A thorough understanding of the factors such as memory, perception, reaction time, and physical characteristics, allow us to understand how these factors affect the way people interact with their environment. This information has been used for studying and improving advertising campaigns, product development, product safety, and expert witness testimony.
Triad Consulting works in partnership with a number of different scientists in more than twenty cities in the US and Canada. These scientists have expertise in advertising psychology, human memory, cognitive psychology, and information processing. Access to this large and diverse group of experts provides clients with comprehensive solutions based on the most advanced research. The Triad team prides itself in providing answers to theoretical and applied questions in an efficient and understandable fashion. We provide you with the information you need in a way that makes sense to you.
Triad Consulting has helped organizations increase their effectiveness in
reaching target audiences. Advertisers have especially benefited from the latest
advances in scientific knowledge such as the Focal Point/Distracters method
of advertising developed by Triad. As companies develop new ideas for advertising,
it is important to obtain metrics on their effectiveness through research.
Triad team members have worked with major companies to develop studies that
test the retention of information about a particular type of ads, and methods
to enhance advertisement campaign effectiveness.
We can also provide consulting in many different aspects of marketing, including purchasing characteristics and the appropriate reach and frequency required by a particular product. Examples of previous work include consulting on advertising campaigns from mobile advertising from taxies to tray tables on airlines.
We use proven research techniques to understand the impact of advertising. Specifically, we use research to determine reach and frequency of advertisements, but more importantly, to determine the exposure rate and remembrance of advertisements. The idea of exposure rate versus recall rate is an important but often overlooked factor by buyers or advertising media. For example, most advertisers discuss advertisements in terms of CPI (Cost per Impression), meaning the number of people potentially exposed to the advertisement. However, a more appropriate statistic would be CPR (Cost per Recall); defined as the number of people who actually recall (or remember) the advertisement. The techniques we use can accurately predict the CPR of an advertisement campaign. Such information will allow agencies to more accurately predict the cost effectiveness of the campaign.
A thorough understanding the influence of factors such as memory, perception, reaction time, and physical characteristics, allow us to understand how these factors affect the way people interact with their environment. This information has been used for expert witness testimony, accident reconstruction, product development, and product safety.
Triad Consulting works in partnership with a number of different
scientists in more than twenty cities in the US and Canada. These scientists
have expertise in biology, physiology, athletic accidents and injury, falls,
older adults, human memory, cognitive psychology, and information processing.
Access to this large and diverse group of experts provides clients with comprehensive
solutions based on the most advanced research. The Triad team prides itself
in providing answers to theoretical and applied questions in an efficient and
understandable fashion. We provide you with the information you need in a way
that makes sense to you.
Often times there are not simple answers to the questions asked. To thoroughly investigate the issue a multi-faceted and creative approach is necessary. This plays into one of the strengths of Triad. Because we have a wide array and scientific backgrounds from which to draw, we can solve the equation from a variety of perspectives. Regardless of the complexity of the question, the solution is always explained in a simple and understandable fashion.
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